We have extensive experience in the implementation of automated systems in both public bodies and private companies. Depending on the application and customer requirements, the process of implementation can proceed in accordance with the national standards or the simplified scheme. With 01.01.2016 Ukraine goes to international standards ISO / IEC including in the development and implementation of software.
ISO / IEC 14598-1: 2004, 14598-1 / 6: 2005, 14764-2002, 15288: 2005 and others.
Order of Ministry of Economic Development - National standards - International standards
The overall process of implementation of automated systems in accordance with these standards, and our experience is divided into the following steps:
The source requirements
1 The establishment of a list of requirements the client software and the conditions of its functioning. Is the basis for the calculation of cost and performance time.
The survey object
2 Identify and describe business processes which regards automation. At this stage, there are different methods of gathering information from the survey to interviews with the employees of our clients. In the future, along with the stage "Baseline Requirements", serves as a basis for the development of technical specifications.
The Terms of Reference or design decisions
3 Project documentation, which we are developing, and which describes and regulates all the issues concerning the implementation and functioning of the software. Setting up an automated system, the preparation of regulatory and reference data of the automated system according to the statement.
4 Testing the automated system in as close to the conditions of clients, including load and the data indicative of future real data.
Pilot operation
5 Phased Translation business processes of customers to the new system with the support of their functioning under the old scheme.
Commercial operation
6 Go customers and translation business processes to use an automated system, which is implemented using the full functionality of the system.
7 During the warranty period the SCE "Informproject" corrects all errors and inaccuracies at their own expense and in a timely manner (see. «warranty» ).
8 After the warranty period, allows you to maintain an automated system in working order and to develop it in accordance with the new requirements of customers. This stage is implemented as part of a separate contract for maintenance (see. "Maintenance»).
The documentation for implementation, can have various options from the strict standards approved paper Documents to electronic Document in free form.
Depending on customer requirements and feasibility, any step may be omitted or combined with the other phases.